Hong Kong and The Vibrant Pulse: My Observations

Leading economy in Asia, excellent peninsula area, exceptional culture, and Wong Kar-Wai. So why not visit Hong Kong? As I wandered around Hong Kong, here were seven things that I learned. 1. I stop nagging on why people, as a cultured society, build monotonous skyscrapers instead of elegant-detailed-looking architecture: You know the stirring feelings when […]

12 Books in 12 Months of 2023

Um this is probably not some kind of book recommendation list. It is just me ranting over some books I read in 2023, hope you find it useful even if it’s a bit hard to find so at this point.   Feeling classic at the beginning of 2023 I decided to read this book. Well as […]

Does Bioethanol Really Help The Fossil Fuel Catastrophe? 

Since my first time hearing fossil fuel -when would it be? Elementary school probably?- I’ve been brainwashed that fossil fuel is a literal villain. As I understand, the villain situation is because the exhaust gases from fossil fuel combustion are usually toxic and considered as a pollutant. But fossil fuel isn’t just a regular villain, […]

Join The Hype: Carbon Exchange

Hi people of the internet, today we’re going to talk about the boiling hot topic of climate change (actually, the word “climate change” is a little nauseating for me at this point, it’s just too much politics, too many annoying people, and I don’t really know if I actually really care and if there can […]

Hot Stuff Named Sun

Do you ever feel curious about how your electrical devices really work? If the answer is no, that’s not a very big boss energy of you. Well, today we’re not going to really discuss how the electricity works in devices though, that’s going to be like a whole story of synching electrons which turn into […]


Hi, my name is Hanna Mylenia. Welcome to the archive of my musings. If Kafka had his diaries, Didion had her notebooks, and Plath wrote in journals, I have this blog. So here are some facts about me  Yea, I think those are one or two things about me. If you want to read my musings, do […]